Psalm 23 paraphrased
A Promise from God
I am your shepherd
You will never have need of anything that I want for you.
If you will trust me, and allow me to be the shepherd of your life,
I will give to you such great peace of mind that it will be like
lying in the cool green grass of a springtime meadow;
And as you learn to deepen your love and trust,
a quietness will come over your soul
like a serene, calm lake.
It will be a time of great refreshment to your inner man,
thus preparing you to do whatever tasks I set before you to do;
And do not minimize any task that I give you to do,
as it is for my honor and glory, not yours.
There will be times when, because of my great love for you,
it will be necessary for me to lead you
into great darkness.....
Darkness that will be so great that you will feel as
though you are standing at the very edge of life,
with death awaiting you below.
But always remember, I am still your shepherd.
In the darkness you may not be able to see me,
but you have my eternal promise that
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
If you will continue to trust me,
even after you have been through a time of darkness,
I will again flood your heart with such peace
that you could even sit down with your enemies.
Your joy will be so great that it will spill over
into the lives of others.
And as your reward I will give to you all the really
important things of life.
When you have completed all that I have planned for you
to do on earth,
I want you to come up and live
with me forever
and ever
and ever.
author unknown
see also: Bible verses
and Psalms
The Lord is Your…
ProviderYou are satisfied.
TeacherYou are instructed.
ShelterYou are covered.
RockYou are secure.
VictoryYou are triumphant.
ShepherdYou are cared for.
CaptainYou are protected.
EncouragerYou are built up.
SalvationYou are delivered.
HealerYou are whole.
RestYou are comforted.
GuideYou are directed.
ConfidenceYou are assured.
MakerYou are loved.
FatherYou are accepted.
DelivererYou are free.
Roy Lessin -