May God release fresh favor
over your life today!
May He make a way
where there's been no way.

May He give you a
revelation where you've
needed wisdom.

May He protect you
where you're especially

May he establish you in
His highest and best
purposes for your life.
And may He fill you to
overflowing that you may
abound in every good work.

Open your hands today
and let Him fill them.
He loves to give good
gifts to you!
Have a blessed day today!
Susie Larson

May God lift your chin, awaken your heart,
and open your eyes to all you possess in Him.
May you refuse to let your disappointments define you.
May you instead, stand on that barren land and envision a harvest.
May you experience a revival of faith in the very place of your heartbreak!
Instead of rehashing your losses, determine to rehearse His promises
because they're truer than your circumstances.
Today's a good day to embrace faith, to give thanks,
and to worship the One who keeps His promises.
You've got everything you need in Him. Have a blessed day.
Susie Larson

May you refuse to let your emotions dictate your perspective.
You have Jesus. You have His presence. And you have His promises!
When what your eyes see is different than what your heart deeply desires,
look up and pray.
He invites you to walk with Him, talk with Him, and involve Him in every detail of your life.
If you're in the 'not-yet' season, take time to worship God because He's God;
take time to thank Him too, because He's been good.
And dare to ask for the impossible, because He's a wonder-working God.
Your story is not over yet.
Have a heart-at-rest kind of night. God bless you!
Susie Larson

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love,
and do what thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
until my heart is pure,
until with thee I will one will,
to do and to endure.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
till I am wholly thine,
till all this earthly part of me
glows with thy fire divine.

Breathe on me, Breath of God,
so shall I never die,
but live with thee the perfect life
of thine eternity.

Edwin Hatch, 1835-1889

In the quiet of the night
may we know your presence, O God.
At the ending of the day
may our soul be alive to your nearness.
Amidst the tiredness that overcomes our body
and the tensions that linger in our mind,
amidst the uncertainties and fears
that haunt us in the darkness of the night,
let us know your presence, O God,
let our soul be alive to your nearness.

John Philip Newell,
in Sounds of the Eternal

May you know the warmth
of God's loving embrace
May you know the joy
of God's ever-presence
May you know the peace
of God's gentle whisper
May you know the strength
of God's Spirit within you
this day and always in your life.

(c) John Birch,